Archive for the ‘Less serious/Funny’ Category

Aren’t we beautiful?!?

Last week we did the Supertester show again. It been a while since we did it but we still had a lot of fun (so did the audience).

Read more about the show at

Buffer overflow

Strange news

Usually the screens on the train shows news and the weather. Today we got some strange news, 9 years old news!


My work process…

This is my backlog:

This is my “Done Bowl” (just emptied):

Sometimes if feels quite unstructured with all these sticky notes but there are some really great benefits

1. It’s easy to sort them into different groups and priority.

2. The really really urgent tasks I can put on my screen so I won’t miss it.

3. I don’t need my computer to write new tasks.

4. When I leave them on my desk I really do leave them so they won’t stress me.

5. They are really visual and the amount of tasks is really obvious as well.

6. Thanks to the “Done bowl” even the tasks that are done are really visible so they make me feel good and happy.

7. They make my life more colorful.


Don’t underestimate the power of sticky notes!


It’s not easy to know when it is a bug or not